Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Ever heard of a hiatus?  I wasn't sure I was using the word correctly, so I googled it...    
 Hiatus: a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.

Turns out I was using it right.  Good thing too, cause I'm here to announce a hiatus.  Funny thing about life, we can't quite predict it.  One moment you're trucking along ordering business cards, and the next you realize you have no extra capacity for a shower, much less a new business.  
     My heart is breaking cause this is something I am passionate about, I feel gifted in, and I want to pursue.  But I'm pursuing the greater right now, so the good is going to have to wait.       All that to say I want to help you with your style consulting needs, but I'm going to have to wait to do that, for an indetermined...not actually a word, undetermined, amount of time.  When God calls me back to this, I'll be full steam ahead in your closet and at the thrift stores, but for now...I'll be loving my family well...which is a very good plan.       To quote the ever-wise and well-versed Tigger, "TTFN, ta ta for now."

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